Friday, 27 May 2011

Should have gone to specsavers!

I love this photo, makes me laugh out loud. Is she trying to be the post box or just talking to it??

Tuesday, 24 May 2011


Been a few days, and taken lots of new photos. Ive also sorted out my website and somewhere to sell my images.


Here are a few photos from the last few days.

Car Park






Stairway to Heaven

Follow the Light

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Like a kid at Xmas!!

A new (well new to me) lens arrived today. A Nikon AF 300 f/4..  Yummy!

My new baby!

I was a bit hesitant to buy this, as I wasnt sure about being limited by a prime lens, and I wasnt sure about the autofocus, as I had heard a lot of things about it and not all good!

However after initial testing in the back garden, I am VERY impressed!!  Pin sharp even wide open, and reassuringly weighty, although slimmer than I was expecting. Yes the autofocus is slow and noisy, but it does the job. Would I like the AF-S version.. Sure, but its double the price this was.. so its a no brainer.

I bought it mainly for the upcoming airshow season, but to test I had to make do with some smaller winged objects.



This is a 100% crop straight from the camera, with just some sharpening as it was shot in RAW.

100% crop


Safe to say this lens is very sharp, and should be even better when the light improves!

Monday, 9 May 2011

More sunny days

Its been a lovely day again, so I took the chance to go back to my new favourite place for some more photos.
It was very windy again though, more so than last time, so I didnt get as many as I wanted, although it did give me the chance to play with my 9 stop ND filter, which I havent been able to do yet. I shall post up a sample below plus some other shots of the day.

The start of the walk.. Just invites you in!


More crawling around on the floor!


And some 9 Stop ND fun!

Sunday, 8 May 2011

On other news....

I got an appointment with the Orthopeadic surgeon after my GP wrote to him after my last visit on April 20th. I think its May the 27th or something, so another long wait. Also need to go see the GP again next week to get another sick note extention as it runs out on the 11th of this month.  That'll be 4 months and counting.
Im guessing the surgeon's 3 months back to work schedule was a little optimistic! Looking more like 6 months now, but Ill see how I am in June. Could really do with earning some money again. There are things I want to buy!!


Its been pretty much raining non stop since Friday, so no photos.
I was supposed to be going to a spring fair yesterday, but rain called that off. Going to try again today as it the rain has eased off a little.
Yesterday I went to Cribbs Causeway in Bristol, as my wife needed to return something and wanted to go shopping. Perfect iphone shooting ground!  Here are a few shots I got.

All taken and processed on an iPhone 3GS.

At the mall

Crazy lined

On the way down. Anyone spot me??

Food court

Womans Heaven:Mans Hell

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

New walk

Found a really lovely new spot for a walk today. I must have been out for 3 hours, taking photos and enjoying the lovely sunshine.

It starts off in a quiet village next to an old church and then follows a dead end track past some rather posh looking houses and through a gate into a wonderful bright yellow buttercup meadow.

Puplic Footpath sign and gate leading into a buttercup meadow.
From then on its a long straight walk into another field under some wierd looking telegraph pylons and eventually through a few more gates and towards the river. There were lots of lambs on the bank of the river

Symetrical electricty pylons running through a yellow buttercup meadow.

I had to backtrack the way I came as I was heading for the landfill site, which is smelly and my car was miles back in other direction. I took a slightly different route though and ended up right at the bottom of the first field. I decided to have a sit down and experiment with my wide angle lens.

I think it was worth it!

Low down view of buttercups gowing

Pylons against the sky

A back lit buttercup

I had a thoroughly nice day, and got some really nice photos.
I'm definitely going to go back and get some more, hopefully it wont be so windy next time!

If you want to see more from the day, visit the Flickr Set.